GO4 International, is active in chartering of part and full space on ships for carrying the cargoes they booked combined or not and ship them to their destinations.

GO4 International chartering team has outstanding experience in booking, handling, chartering and shipping all kinds of cargoes and in choosing the right ships and in stowing cargoes in ships’ holds and on ships’ deck with utmost proficiency.

GO4 Shipping’s strengths lie in its solid industry knowledge and the extensive international experience of its brokers, each of whom is familiar with diverse vessel types and various commodities.

The company has developed longstanding relationships with ship owners and ship-brokers abroad. This ensures excellent, open communication and collaboration regarding all aspects of operational situations and port information.

We have excellent access to ship owners worldwide for fixing freight on a full and part cargo basis, and continuously offer the best solutions for obtaining competitive freights.

GO4 always look for the best fixture terms and further terms that are essential to Booking Notes and Charter Party agreements.

We do documents due diligence and complete post fixture support, including demurrage/dispatch reconciliation and resolution of other post fixture matters.